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The Shop

Tea-Chest Carton      $4.50 each                     Length 43 cm   Width 40 cm   Height 59 cm


Crystal Carton           $3.50 each                     Length 40 cm   Width 30 cm   Height 33 cm


Wardrobe Box           $20.00 each                   Length 59 cm   Width 47 cm   Height 75 cm


Butchers Paper         $50.00 per 15 kg roll    Approximately 750 sheets  51 cm * 76 cm


Bubble Wrap             $5.00 Per metre            1.5 metre * 1 metre * 10 mm thickness


Packing Knife            $3.00 each


Tape                           $2.50 each


Tape Dispenser        $15.00 each


Dolly                          $250.00 made to size


Pads                          $45.00 each

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